Hannah walks in with shopping bags, and freezes
Slide 1
-explain how “shop ‘til you drop” will be a main concept of the gist of consumerism and its effects throughout the presentation
-ask the question “Does anyone know what consumerism or abundance means? You can even guess!” (Great interaction with crowd)
Slide 2
-recite the definitions on the slide
-recite in your own words about what they mean to the common layman
Skit for slide 2
Natalie puts a bunch of stuff in Hannah’s shopping bags, symbolizing consumerism and abundance while I explain the slide
Slide 3
-first picture, flapper, talk about how women could work which partially helped the economy, women’s rights
-talk about each point and go in depth
-WWI ended, and because of this there was a short recession
-after the economy boomed; people had money, soldiers worked or had pensions, women were working during the war so had money
-‘everyone bought everything’, everyone was buying more, even things which weren’t necessary. A.K.A. luxury items
-ended with stock market crashing; hence SHOP ‘TIL YOU DROP
-consumerism was one of the important causes of the stock market crashing. It was caused by American economic gains made after WWI. The significantly reckless luxury directly caused the global economic crisis in modern history.
-the stock market crashing is the Great Depression OCT. 1929
-many historians believe that the 1920’s gave birth to modern consumerism. Why? Because there were many new things being implemented into society that hasn’t happened before, or that the happenings were increasing. Such as more posters advertising things, the economy booming, people had higher wages, and the general gist of consumerism itself.
Slide 3 Skit
During slide 3, when we say “shop til you DROP”, she falls down + drops the bags, symbolizing the crash of the stock market. (Hannah symbolizes the economy in general)
Natalie in the background shouts and points to Hannah “OMG LOOK THE STOCK MARKET IS CRASHING!”
Slide 4
-consumerism was a major factor during the twenties
-called “roaring twenties” because:
-good economy, which led to consumerism
-consumerism is SO BIG, and we are going to support that later on, and since this consumerism is so big, it is practically the roar of the twenties itself. That’s what the roar IS
-talk about how the further slides ahead explain about the roar
Slide 4 SKIT
Natalie and Hannah both ROAR like "ROARRR!!" and then say "this symbolizes that the Roaring Twenties was called the "Roaring" Twenties, BECAUSE of consumerism!
Slide 5
-not JUST Canadian
-originated in north America (primarily U.S.) because they didn’t participate much in war, hence they didn’t waste money in the war, hence more money, hence better economy right at end of war, hence consumerism originated there
-soon spread to Europe and Canada
-an echo in some sense, as in, it originated from America and went to Canada and other parts of Europe, BUTTTT
-global in a sense BECAUSE every nation had its own consumerism
-it just ORIGINATED from America. Canada, as a NATION, had its own consumerism movement. Canada had its OWN UNIQUE CONSUMERISM AS A NATION
Slide 5 SKIT
Slide 6
-explain what industrialization is: industries developing on a huge scale
-means more products being mass produced (e.g. for an example, talk about how everyone in class has a wardrobe of clothes, pencils, backpacks, books, etc. They are all mass produced)
-helps consumerism; (consumers buying more, so mass production makes more products available to general public, meaning more people buying)
-connect this to how capitalism is like in the world right now (and talk about how capitalism may have derived from roaring twenties)
-talk about basically – industrialization, abundance of number of products being produced, helped consumerism, and consumerism directly caused the great depression
-therefore, abundance of producing products indirectly caused the great depression (win!)
Skit Slide 6
Natalie, Julie, and Hannah assemble in a line pretending to manufacture goods in an assembly line
Slide 7
-movies; black and white, exponential amount of people went there more
-automobiles; 300 000 registered vehicles in 1918 compared to 15 million by 1927 of the same Ford Model T
-talk about how some products MAY not be that much of a necessity; more like a useless luxury (hand out portable shower sheet)
Skit Slide 7
Natalie, Hannah, and Julie show the collage and points out some products on the poster
Slide 8
-the movie (example of products during the 1920’s)
Slide 9
-advertised products in numerous medias and ways; films, radio, catalogues (magazines), and posters
-connection: we still use these ways for marketing products
-talk about how everyday nowadays we see an average of 3000 ads everyday (fact)
-connection: these numerous ads are CAUSED by consumerism and HELPED consumerism, which helped the roar of the twenties
-THE SIGNIFICANCE IS, more ads FURTHER consumerism, which helped cause the great depression
Slide 9 Skit + handout
Hannah walks around and stops and looks at every ad (we put them on the blackboard by magnets), with her shopping bags. Then at each ad, she stops and Janice talks about each ad and what is represents, connection, etc.
Natalie throws/showers the rest of the ads in her hands in Hannah’s face and Hannah is mesmerized from every single ad. She picks one up and says “OMG A PORTABLE SHOWER!”
Slide 10
-learning facts about history is important and all; but what is more important is the significance of the events. What caused one thing, what effected one thing, the cause and effects, how we can learn from it, etc. we must apply the knowledge we know from history and connect to them, relate them with each other, and see how they fit together.
-explain how this is going into the real in depth stuff instead of just the commercials, movies, etc. and why it’s important.
-twenties roared because of consumerism
-originated from America
-canada’s “roar” of consumerism may have been an echo of america’s in one sense
-mostly, Canada’s “roar” was a part of international “roar”, since each NATION had a roar of consumerism
-Canada as a NATION had its OWN consumerism
Slide 11
Cause and effects
Slide 12
-consumerism partially caused by industrialization and mass producing (because the industrialization and the mass producing made products in more numerous numbers, more efficiently, cheaper, and quickly, so that more people can access and buy these goods)
-new technologies (radio, cars ß not invented during then, but mass produced more, movies, electrical appliances, anything from sewing machines, to bread makers, etc.
Slide 13
• Because of the vast development of many new technologies
• Because of the wealth of most people of the time; more income (not all people)
• Because of the staggering amount of people investing in the new technologies
• Create more, buy more, repeat
Slide 14
-consumerism in the 1920’s caused the Great Depression in the 30’s. The same thing happened around the recession that was majorly caused by America’s unregulated extreme capitalism
“History is doomed to repeat itself” is a good quote for this case because in some sense, history did repeat itself (great depression, recession).
How can we learn from this?
We should learn by preventing these economical meltdowns. One good reason to learn history is to see how things caused other things, like consumerism caused the Great Depression, and how we can learn from these mistakes that we’ve made and preventing them from happening again
We don’t want the second coming of Hitler
-consumerism in 1920’s also can help us understand some philosophies and try to explain our morals and values. Such as, is a person defined by their possessions?
We don’t need so many things. A person is defined by their morals, values, personality, etc. not material items. Hence there is a movement going on during modern times that is anti-materialism. A good example of this that was written during the 1920’s (a.k.a. during when all of this was happening), a novel was written about the consumerism called “The Great Gatsby” and questioned about society and consumerism
-although it may not seem like they are related; the truth is is that they are related. As more electrical products are produced and bought because of consumerism, there is an increasing need for energy to supply these products to consumers
In modern times, we see that this problem has gone up so much that we are even seeing environmental impacts like global warming and climate change
Energy consumption soared in the 1920s due to the electric appliances replacing manual labor in many homes. Plants and car exhaust emissions exerted an increasingly heavy toll on the environment. However, pollution and the diminishing wildlife seemed distant threats to most Americans.
-consumerism still effects us, we can see it (as already stated) everywhere. Especially America with their extreme unregulated capitalism
Slide 15
You will be split into your presenting groups
You will be given a question, and if you answer it correctly, you will be able to choose 2 squares to flip over.
If your squares match, you get a point!
The group with the most points wins a yummy prize! (=
What is consumerism?
What happened at the end of the 1920's?
WAS THE ROAR OF THE ROARING TWENTIES ONLY CANADA’S? (Definitely ask this. It’s our thesis)
Why was the roaring twenties called the “roaring” twenties? (definitely ask this. It’s our thesis)
During the skit, Hannah fell down. What did that symbolize?
Name one cause and one effect on consumerism.
Name three things that we can learn from consumerism during the 1920's.
BONUS: What was George Bush doing in slide 12 in our presentation? And what did it symbolize?
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